Unrest in Nicaragua
As you are probably aware, since mid-April there have been numerous civic demonstrations throughout Nicaragua protesting policies and practices of the Nicaraguan government. These demonstrations have been sporadic and unpredictable, and in many cases, have ended in numerous injuries and fatalities. As a result, it is not safe for us to lead volunteer groups to Nicaragua at this time
However, we are standing by our commitment to the communities of El Mojon and El Sasle. Our fundraising efforts are continuing as will the construction of houses and latrines. In the absence of volunteer groups, this work will be completed by our team of masons assisted by community volunteers. The good news is more employment for the masons. The bad news is that some of our costs will increase – so now more than ever, we need your financial support.
Click here to support our ongoing efforts in Nicaragua!
What you may not know, is that 6 years ago Bridges to Community established a second base of operations in an extremely impoverished region of the Dominion Republic, close to the Haitian border. The need for our support in this region is every bit as great as it is in Nicaragua. So, for the next several months we will be redirecting volunteer trips to the Dominican Republic site. Trip volunteers will enjoy a different, but equally impactful service learning experience. View our DR TRIP BROCHURE
2018 Trips to Dominican Republic:
Intact Corporate Trip – October 27-November 3, 2018
Business Leader’s Trip – November 17-24, 2018
For the sake of our friends in Nicaragua we hope and pray that peace will return soon.
Thank you for your continued support – together we are Making a Concrete Difference in the World!